
Monday, February 29, 2016

Four Years from Now

               Four years from now, I imagine myself being a responsible and mature young adult. I imagine myself hard at work, always ready for what lays ahead. I imagine myself as someone who is not hesitant to help friends, and is always reliable and trustworthy. I imagine that although I will be older, my happiness and friendliness will grow along with my age. I will not be a shy and reserved young child, pondering about the world from a glance. Instead, I will be an extroverted and bold young man, viewing the world through multiple perspectives, knowledgeable and ready for the world of tomorrow. I used to think when I was younger that because a year is so long, I would stay my young, foolish self forever. I now realize how wrong I was, and now I have changed my mindset from dreading the future to looking forward to it.

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