
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Marijuana is a very hot topic today, as many people fight passionately for or against the legalization of marijuana, with many good points made by both sides. Those who are for the legalization of marijuana argue that many people are in jail for non-violent drug crimes, and the legalization of marijuana shall release these individuals, which shall better our society, as well as massively reduce the money spent on the incarceration these people. Those who are against it claim that marijuana is a drug, just like any other drug, that it can cause depression and anxiety, and that it can lead to deformation of children. Famous experts like Dr. Carl Hart support marijuana legalization, refuting the danger commonly associated with it, such as addiction, while advocates like Thomas Gorman talk about the major increase in marijuana users there will be, citing the increase of marijuana users in youth. So how bad is marijuana really? And is it really worth banning or legalizing marijuana?

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